Eggishorn - Aletschgletscher

25 August 2010

Aletschgletscher, Trugberg
Aletschgletscher. Jungfrau 4168 m (bottom, left). Jungfraufirn (bottom center). Trugberg 3933 m (center).
Konkordiaplatz: where Grosser Aletschfirn, Jungfraufirn, Ewigschneefeld and Grüneggfirn meet.

Trugberg, 3933 m. Mönch 4107 m (bottom)

Gross Wannenhorn
Gross Wannenhorn, 3906 m

Oberaarhorn, Wasenhorn, Galmihorn, Fieschergletscher
Fieschergletscher. Oberaarhorn, 3637 m. Wasenhorn, 3457 m (bottom, left of Galmihorn). Galmihorn, 3517 m (bottom, right).

Eggishorn. Gross Wannenhorn. Finsteraarhorn. Oberaarhorn
Eggishorn Bergstation 2869m. Eggishorn, 2927 m. Gross Wannenhorn, 3906 m (bottom, left). Finsteraarhorn 4274 m (bottom, center). Oberaarhorn, 3637 m (bottom, right).
Eggishorn was a nunatak in the Aletschfletscher.

Fiescherhorli, Bettmerhorn
Bergstation Eggishornbahn, 2869 m. Fiescherhorli 2893 m (left). Bettmerhorn 2856 m (right)

Blinnenhorn and Ofenhorn
Blinnenhorn, 3374 m (left). Ofenhorn 3235 m (right); Ofenhorn closes the Binntal.

Eggishorn, Fiescherhorli
Eggishorn Bergstation. Fiescherhorli.
At the bottom of the mountains: the Goms valley.

Weissmies, Fletschhorn, Zumsteinspitze, Dufourspitze
Bergstation Eggishornbahn, 2869 m.
Bottom: Portjengrat, 3654 m. Weissmies, 4021m (left). Fletschhorn,3993 m (center). Zumsteinspitze 4563m (right). Dufourspitze 4634m (right).

Bettmerhorn. Mischabel, Matterhorn, Cervin, Weisshorn
Bettmerhorn, 2856 m (foreground). Mischabel, 4545 m (left). Matterhorn (Cervin), 4478 m (center). Weisshorn, 4357 m (right).
Average altitude of Switzerland: 1'350 m above sea level (France: 342 m)

Aletschgletscher. Nesthorn
Aletschgletscher. Weisshorn, 4506 m (bottom, left). Nesthorn, 3824 m (bottom, right).
Notice the former level of the glacier.

Sattehhorn, Zenbaecherhorn
Zenbächerhorn, 3386 m (center). Sattelhorn, 3746 m (bottom, center)

Aletschhorn, 4195m. Mittelaletschgletscher.

Aletschgletscher; view on lateral and middle moraines. Dreieckhorn 3811 m (left)

Aletschgletscher crevasses and séracs (700 m below from this place)

aletschgletscher, Trugberg, cairns
Aletschgletscher, Dreieckhorn, 3811 m (left), Trugberg, 3933 m.
Cairns erected by tourists; they show the wrong way ... to the precipice.

Kennst du den Berg und seinen Wolkensteg?
Das Maultier sucht im Nebel seinen Weg,       
In Höhlen wohnt der Drachen alte Brut,            
Es stürzt der Fels und über ihn die Flut:           
Kennst du ihn wohl?  
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, III, 1

Map of the Valais Swiss canton, dated 1895 (at this scale, mountains are still at the same place)
You reach canton Valais from canton Berne under the Alps, though the 35 km Lötschberg Base Tunnel.
Red dot: Fiesch (1050 m); red cross: Eggishorn (2927 m); red line: Lötschberg tunnel.


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